Absence makes the liver grow…Sadder?


It’s March 2nd, 9:47 pm.  I have just finished scarfing down a large helping of Pad Thai and Panang Curry and a bottle of wine. My man has done the same.

We have decided to stop drinking for 30 days and it’s our last hurrah.

Emotion has overcome us and we are already pissed and upset about it and haven’t even started the process.

He just walked by the wine rack and huffed, “Quit pushing these bottles out to make them more appealing!”

We have complained about it all day. And by complaining, I mean we had a glass of wine and a beer at a restaurant in Union Square in between shopping for running shoes and a tea pot before coming home to polish off two bottles of Red while eating Thai and watching House of Cards.

Why would we torture ourselves with this nonsense?

We live in New York City and it’s socially unacceptable to not drink. What else is there to do in the winter but go out with friends, eat a delicious dinner and share amazing bottles of wine with?

But, newly engaged bliss has lent itself to eating and drinking too many empty calories and we are now busting out of our clothes. The wedding is six months away and its time to stop the fat insanity.

We are giving up a few of my favorite things: Alcohol, Sugar & Carbs.

Shit. Stay tuned.

photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/alsis35/5724009679/”>alsis35 (now at ipernity)</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a&gt; <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/”>cc</a&gt;

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